Here's a poem I was inspired to write yesterday while roasting turkey in 38 degree heat (that's 100.4 degrees fahrenheit). Just a bit of fun :)
A babe is born in Bethlehem
Twas a cold Winter’s night
in old Bethlehem town,
everyone was inside
and their shutters were down
When upon the main street
a small sound did arise,
a light pitter-patter
and the glow of four eyes
Walking slow, came a pair
needing somewhere to stay,
but each place that they tried
seemed to turn them away
Yet the night grew cold still,
and the air froze the two
A white mist swirled around
and a frosty breeze blew
Till upon a small inn
the tired couple did come,
the old innkeeper said
“Stay here, soon-to-be-mum”
For indeed it was true,
the female was with child
she looked at the old man,
and it seemed that she smiled.
Out into the cold barn
the pair trotted with haste,
on a bed of dry hay
the young mother was placed.
With a whimper she lay,
the male sat next to her
He gently licked her face
and then nuzzled her fur
For twas soon he’d be born,
in that Wintery fog,
a great saviour of man,
Nice twist in the last 2 verses. Well written!
beautiful story telling,
Welcome to JP...
thanks for the delightful entry.
fabulous flow.
lovely.. mines here-
Wow, some twist there at the end! Great work, enjoyed!
Whoa...was not ready for that ending. Great job!
Fun! As a fellow animal-lover, I delighted in your last verse.
nice poem!
Awww thanks everyone! I was a tad heat-delirious while writing it, but had fun :)
Loved it!
irony - the word verification to post this comment is uncat :P
Haha! I love word verification - the things they make you type are unbelievably funny at times :)
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