Wednesday, December 22, 2010

4 Word verification - Wed 22 Dec 2010

I have to say, I LOVE the word verification system on Blogger. The "Verifese" they test you with is like some sort of alien language that only the Mulder-ites can understand (or "want to believe"). 

Look at the example below - "slaporb". If that's not alien, I don't know what is! Who'd have thought that such succinct depth of meaning could be poured into a single word? Of course, as we all know, "slaporb" is a homonym and can, in fact, describe a fat, promiscuous Orc as well as being a round but gelatinous ball that sticks to walls when thrown.

While seeming to be its own distinct alien language, academics have actually found that Verifese has roots in English, and would be the stuff of dreams for the likes of Lewis Carroll and William Shakespeare, were they still above ground.

Lewis Carroll excelled in making up "nonsense" words, and in some circles, is credited with making "literary nonsense" a worldwide phenomenon (think Jabberwocky, or to a lesser extent, The Hunting of the Snark). Was Lewis Carroll, in fact, an alien? It might actually explain a lot ...

Shakespeare is said to have created over 1000 new words that he used in his writing, which quite possibly sounded like nonsense when first penned, but have now become words that you and I use everyday. Enough said here, we all know Shakespeare wasn't your average human.

In my previous post about l33t speak, I wrote about the new words that are being formed everyday online. This idea disturbed some, who recoiled in terror at what seemed to be the near apocalyptic destruction of the the English language. I wonder what the same people think of Lewis Carroll and Shakespeare?

In any case, I shall start a practice of listing some of the Verifese words that I come across while on my blogulous travels. (Yep - blogulous - just call me Louisa Carroll). My favourite for this week being "deadula". Uh huh. That's how you end up when Dracula sucks too much of your blood.

I encourage you, dear readers, to add some of the Verifese you come across when you post comments on my blog. Don't forget to add their meaning so we can all learn something new! 

Who knows? Maybe we can create our own internet meme.


GozzieHoon said...

Hahahaha, great post Saire! I have couple of contributions: a/I noted (on FB) an up-and-down day and I said I didn't know whether to feel glum or happy and a friend suggested "glumpy";b/ a colleague here has suggested for years that those uncontrollable burps that almost always happen in embarassingly public places should be called "buruptions". I look forward to seeing others.

Saire said...

Haha! I love them both - because sometimes buruptions make me feel a bit glumpy :P

Luba said...

Really enjoy your blog. I've come across "morpsing" which sounds particularly woeful and "dederb" on a post about gardening.

Saire said...

Thanks for the comment, Luba! Morpsing is fantastic - how macabre-sounding :)

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